Addicted to IC !
HC = Hangout Corner in IC IC = India Community on Orkut Day before yesterday I chatted in HC non-stop for 6 hrs…. it was then that I realized that I am definitely addicted. I logged in around 9 pm and logged out at 3 am!! and trust me , I never even realized it for a moment that I was there non-stop for 6 hrs!!! Until I saw the time! I spend many hours in IC n still I am not bored…. There is something there which keeps you there. So, what actually has made me addicted to the place n the people… let’s explore!!! and lets see what kind of an experience it has been ! After the end of my final semester papers in June ’07 I was a total vella …. my date of joining still had some time… n till that time I had to kill time…. One fine day I joined this community of India on Orkut, to my surprise it was quite an active community compared to other communities which only had spam! There was this thread called “Hangout corner! meeting place for all Indians “ which had almost 4 lakh ...