
Time – 3:55 am
Date – 9 Feb ‘08
Location – Training Lab
Reason for being in training Lab – Project (to be submitted on 12th Feb)

I had decided that I wont be writing any senti stuff here…. But jus couldn’t hold it back today, thoda senti to likhoonga :P….. vella baitha hoon… code ban nahi raha aur neend aa nahi rahi .. so what better to do :P.

Time has changed , a lot has changed with it. INCLUDING ME !

From the past 4 years I don’t remember a single occasion when I had woken up for so late for a deadline which was still some time away… rather a lot far away by the standards I go with. :D

Well, one change that has come in me is that, of late I have started looking at things with a different perspective. I have slowly but surely started believing in “Whatever happens , happens for the best”. Another change I believe has come in me is that , I don’t know why, but I have started loving loneliness. I love being alone! I love solace! Whatever may be the reasons ….! And also …. ahhh leave it… discover the other changes yourself and let me know :D n yeah do point me out if I behave arrogantly with you, this is another change that has slowly started creeping in, which I would rather love to avoid at any cost, coz I hate arrogant people myself … reason for me saying this -> quite a few incidents in the previous few days whixh point out in that direction ! This is one habit , which I would love to keep off at any cost!

Something has gone in my mind, that FUN days of life are over and its all hardwork ahead! The golden days are over, and it’s the grind that is left ahead in LIFE! I sincerely hope I am wrong! I miss those days of college, I really miss them! I miss each and every person of my class, and when I say each and everyone I mean it! Every single person had a role to play in making those years memorable, I mean it EVERY SINGLE PERSONjitu included :P I may not be able to talk to everyone, but I surely do remember all .

I can write so much here, I am just so full of thoughts, but somehow I cant manage to put the feelings in words… I write something and erase it.. maybe I am just full of emotions which are oozing to come out, that they are just spilling over! I would rather prevent them from spilling over! <- “Looks so clichéd, but its true!”

Time : 4:16 am Date : 9 feb ‘08
Next Destination – Hostel room -> bed :D
Reason to sleep -> no more in mood of making the project ( abhi to 4 din pade hain, old habits die hard :P ……. and also … no internet connection :((

Time of posting - 2:20 pm ( woke up at 12:45 pm)

PS. - Deep inside me , there is still a ray of hope(however dim it may be) that the best is yet to come!


  1. I have read 1st para will read 2nd para after some hours....:P

  2. how did you get here :O

    newayss.. thnx for reading the 1st para :P ... atleast someone read something :P


  3. Prolly got here from my blog :P


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