
A few days back I realized that I am soon going to be 24! I mean Twenty Four. Mann, now that sounds like a matured age, and I really don’t think I do things which should ideally be done by people of this age. Now, what are the things that should be done by people of this age? Well, I would leave that up to you to decide.

My bro is 27! Going to be married soon! … and I dint even realize that he has been ‘working’ since almost 6 years now (As if I realized that I have been working since two years now!). What the heck, it seems just like yesterday when we used to go playing in the park together. School seems to be just like yesterday. We used to wake up at 5:30 AM in the morning t catch the 6:30 bus, and be in the school attending Morning assembly at 7:30 AM. The Drum beats, which used to sound every morning to signal the start and end of the Assembly, are still fresh. The bus ride, in the afternoon from school back to home used to be the best journey.

It didn’t really occur to me when those years passed by (well, in hindsight atleast I can say this!).

I am growing old! and the sad part is I realize it.

Quote - You will never be younger than what you are now!


  1. I won't be any younger by the time this comment gets posted. *Sigh*


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