I wish...

... that I would own a house near the Sea one day, so that I can go and sit on the beach whenever I feel like and want to. 

I just love to gaze at the Sea, the water, the waves, the beach. The sound which the water makes, when it comes and hit the shores is just music to the ears. I can sit there, watch the waves coming towards me and then hitting the sea shore. There is a certain calmness in that noise, which makes you forget everything.

I have lived the majority of my life in the Plains of North India, and the first time I saw the Sea was when I visited Goa in 2008. Only, after 23 Years did I realise what I had missed all these years. I remember, the first time when I saw the Sea from close, I kept looking at it for some time and then took a deep sigh after seeing the sight in front of me. It was pure magic, Love at first sight. The sheer vastness coupled with the calmness of the scene in front of me was something which blew me away.

Even today, whenever I am tense, or a little sad - I badly wish there was a beach somewhere near, and I could just run away from all the madness around me, go and sit there, and watch doing nothing but watching the water play with the land. There are a countless emotions which comes to my mind to describe the feeling which comes with sitting on a beach, but words fail me!

I wish! I wish!


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