The Tale of Incomplete posts!

Ok, initially the idea was to write a post about the Infy to CTS experience – but then I choose not to complete this one. Because, I can write about the Infy experience for pages at a stretch but dont want to write prematurelly about CTS. 

Later, I thought about writing about the previous year as a whole, but whenever I started writing it ended up ‘From Infy to CTS’ post. I made two good attempts to write this one, and numerous short and half hearted .. naa .. not half hearted, just short attempts where laziness took over earlier than most times.

I have now realized that I wont be able to complete this one, or even if I manage to complete this one, it is going to be too long. So, what I’ll do is post the two drafts! For a change let’s see how the drafts look when they get published unpolished :).

So, here it goes –

1st one (this was drafted sometime around late November) –

Back to Delhi – and an End of a 4 year stint with Infosys.

Bangalore was good while it lasted, but time to move on! Chandigarh, to be honest, never comes into the picture. It’s a nice city, but somehow I don’t have any memory of these 10 months which I think I will keep for life.

It is often said that you don’t realize the importance of what you have until, you lose it. To be honest, I never underestimated the importance of what I had. While, I always knew what I was missing out on, but everything comes with a price (not that I had chosen to pay the price myself).

Let me start with what I had till the time I was with Infy and I loved it –
  1. Two amazing people as my Seniors. I doubt if I would ever get to work with such cool folks ever again.
  2. I don’t remember a single instance when I asked for a leave and it was denied. :) These included pretty long leaves of around a month on 2 occasions. I was probably a spoiled kid, who used to get whatever he asked for :).
  3. Work – I used to love working. Well, things did change at the end. It was not that the work changed, it was just that the scenario changed (that change in scenario, probably calls for a separate post). I remember telling my friends – I love my work. It still scares me how that one deadly week in January 2010(Appraisal rating time) changed the course of my career. Infosys was never the same for me. If there is something I wish I could change, it probably would be that one week and things would automatically fall in place later on.

2nd one (this one came up around the 1st week of Jan and was intended to be reflection of the past complete year, but soon I realized that it would end up being just an Infy story, so discontinued)–

Before the now customary Chabbi Janvari post comes up again this year, I have something else to post too. This one was pending from quite some time. I started numerous times, then stopped, started again and stopped again. Here I am, finally keying it down.

Covering the whole year in a single post is not an easy task, as I am finding out now.
2011 was a year filled with plenty of ups and plenty of downs as well considering the work front. I was forced to take a some of decisions I never wanted to or probably never thought I would.

The Year began with a transfer from Bangalore to Chandigarh. Well, to be honest – I was cornered to ask for this transfer I never wanted. I was, very much to the surprise and astonishment of many, happy in Bangalore. Issues at work place forced me to look for a change of Job. I was actually very happy with my work an year back, I had excellent team mates, an excellent rapport with everyone and things were looking up. And, then came the appraisal and the office politics and it killed the enthusiasm and the motivation in me. Things could only go downwards from there. And, once the motivation went for a toss – it was hard to bring it back. Thus began the Job hunt. With a couple of offers in hand, I had the bargaining power. Negotiating with senior managers, and sitting on the other side of the table is probably the best experience (did you read it as revenge? :P) you can ask for in office :) It was time to hit back :D . I weighed my options and decided to put down my papers, very well knowing that I would be taking my resignation back. With things not working out the way I would have wanted in Infosys, it was time to move on and with the pressure (peer pressure, you might call it) of moving back to Delhi – I asked for a transfer to Chandigarh and eventually moving to Delhi from Chandigarh being part of the plan (a transfer to Chandigarh is not an easy task by any means in Infosys). Due to the dependency I had, the managers relented and agreed to transfer me to Chandigarh, against all the odds stacked up against my transfer (considering the business issues.)  All said and done – cutting the long story short – I moved to Chandigarh in mid Jan.

Chandigarh is truly ‘The City Beautiful’. The city is tailor made for a person like me – who loves the Laid back life. Sometimes, I feel that I am a complete misfit for the city I have lived the majority of my life in :D. Anyways, I had to move back to Delhi eventually, don’t know why – it is sort of a question I still don’t have an answer to and probably never will. Just that, Delhi (Dilli, as we call it) is where HOME is. A few months in Chandigarh, and the job hunt was back again. Moving to Chandigarh and staying in Infosys was never an option :). When I was being transferred to Chandigarh from Bangalore, the Senior manager told me – in his words -  “ I am doing this transfer for you as an extraordinary case and as an exception. I need a Gentleman’s word from you that, you won’t shift from Chandigarh to Delhi after a few months.” I know he took great pains in getting my transfer approved (it took 14 approvals in all from various authorities and needless to say from the highest authority as well) I have no qualms in saying that, I broke my promise and I don’t have any guilt about that. After 8 months, I resigned again and this time I was not taking my resignation back. In November I was back in Delhi and the near 2 months in Delhi in 2011 have fun filled, to say the least :)

Apart from a change in job and cities in the past year, another thing which marked this year was a string of wedding invitations :) A LOT of my friends either got married or engaged in this year. 


 ... and then I give in to laziness again :D


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