Kaisa raha?

Kaisa raha?(How was it?)

A refresher before I begin the post :) – http://pushpreet.blogspot.in/2008/03/aur-suna.html

Another one which falls in this list is ‘Kaisa raha?’ You can fit this question anywhere in any sort of situation, when you have nothing else to ask or talk or probably you don’t have anything to start a conversation after the guy has come back from a vacation or a trip to some place. Invariably, whenever you meet the person you end up asking him/her .. “Kaisa raha?” and the standard reply you get is “Badhiya (with a smile)”

I have seen people fitting this question in probably many situations, and sometimes it gets a bit awkward for the person who has to answer it.
Picture this – A guy comes back from his marriage leave to office, and he meets 20-25 people. And, out of those 25 people he meets, the first question 15 of them asked him was – “Kaisa raha?”
I mean, come on – the guy has just come back from his honey moon, and you ask him “Kaisa raha?” How do you expect him to answer this question – with a few guys standing at a corner sheepily smiling after getting the unintended pun in the question. Someone, went a step ahead and asked – “Kaisa raha? Maze kare?” Trust me, this question was asked in all seriousness without any intended pun. And, you should have seen the embarrassment with which he answered – “Haan”.


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