Last Day Emails - Part 2

Below is the last day email, I sent when I left Infy -

Subject - See you soon

Let me try and keep it short and crisp.
From Mysore to Bangalore and then to Chandigarh - I now move back to Delhi, leaving Infosys after a short stint of about 4 years. It is just my co-ordinates which are changing, I stay the same.
It took me 2 attempts to get into Infosys. Well, it took me 2 attempts to get out too. :)
For the first attempt - around 35 from our class in college sat for the Infy recruitment drive – 7 cleared the written, and out of them only 1 was rejected in the Interview. I was the one, probably not good enough as somebody judged. What all happened in between those two attempts is a long story, and what happened after I cleared in the second attempt is an even longer story, so won’t get into those details J. Nearly 4 years in Infy, Just One project, Lots of great memories (well, some not-so-great too – but I’ll take those in my stride), I met some wonderful people, Blah Blah and Blah Blah… Thank you all!
Let’s just be friends now and not colleagues!
Until we meet next – Ciao!
Pushpreet Singh


You see that text in white? Well, it was white even when i sent the mail and hence was not visible in the white background of the email. So, probably nobody read it ;) That was me, cryptic :P And, my mail was well and truly in the 3rd category I mentioned in the previous post - " Not too long, and not too short."

I deliberately did not mention anybody's name in the mail that was sent to the general junta. Not that I was not thankful to anybody, but that's the way I liked it. And, short and crisp - the way I promised at the beginning of the mail, because I know how people don't even go through long emails (another reason why I prefer to write my posts in parts now if they are a little long).

Anyways, moving on!

Another thing about last day emails is the way people tend to go overboard in praising their manager, the company and how they learnt a lot from it and other stuff. Come on guys! If it was that good for you here, why are you even leaving? Yes, it's Ok to get a little emotional about the place where you spend a good 8-10 hours - 5 days a week but, showing as if it was such a heaven on earth, is a complete turn off for me. When I left Infy, I remember the last few weeks before I put down my resignation were bad - extremely bad. I had begun to hate the office, I had begun to hate my managers (nothing personal) for screwing up my career. I began to hate work, and it was very bad. I wanted to leave before it got ugly, and thats what I did. Anyhow, I had a 3 month notice period and I had cooled down when I wrote the last day email, so no fireworks in there :P I can't even imagine myself writing an email, where I would have stopped at nothing in praising my managers and Infosys, and that's what I did.

I don't exactly have the mail with me right now - but the mail which one of my friend, Rohit sent to me, when he left Infy was by far the bestest I have ever read. Below is how it looked like -

Subject - Last day in Infosys (don't exactly remember what was the subject)

"Will miss pinging you on the communicator."

Short and to the point. I just loved it.

When a person, leaves a company I am one of those guys who waits to read the "Last day email" and I am very sure there would be many like me. But, I wait only when I know the guy, not of a random stranger whom you may not even have heard of. So, guys whenever you get to write down your Last Day Email, make it a point to make it look good. This is probably your last communication to many people whom you may never interact with again. Avoid the unnecessary emotional stuff, no point in sending a too rosy to be true mail and of course, keep it short and sweet.

- Baba Pushpreet Singh Ji free advice waale.


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