"Those were the best days of my lives"

No, the post is not going to be what the title may have suggested at first. It's a little different. With the advent of Facebook culture, you now know who has just lived the 'Best days of their Lives'. I know people, who have just finished college and are talking about how these 4/3 years were the best days of their lives and they are going to miss it so much. I have also been part of this, I remember how it felt when college got over for me. Its a very similar flow of emotions which you see very often when a phase/period of life ends. The phase/period I am talking here is like college getting over, school getting over, change of city/country etc. You can see how people get senti about it, worried about losing touch with friends, anxious about how life is going to be from that moment onwards, emotional about the good times and tensed that Life is not going to be same ever again. But, what is common amongst all of them is that these same people would have said exactly the same things sometime earlier too.

Yes, the guy who is saying 'College days were the best days', would have said the same thing when his school got over. And, he will probably say the same thing when he finishes his Post-Graduation or in some cases when he switches jobs. Yes, Life moves on! You move on! And, so does everyone else around you! You meet some people, connect with them, and then you move to a new set of people - You again connect with the new people, have a gala time and then you move on again. Somebody who may have been your best friend in school, maybe just another friend now. If you two bump each other today, it might result in that awkward moment where both of you are trying to wonder what to talk next, after the customary greetings.It doesn't matter if you guys got on like a house on fire a few years back, today you might search for topics to discuss about.

If you are someone like me who rarely calls people, then you are at a bigger risk of losing touch with the old friends. After school/college get over, or you switch jobs - you guys do not meet each other daily and if like me you are not into calling 'just like that', then the risk magnifies. The people whom you met daily, slowly turn into phone call buddies whom you call just on their Birthday, and the other one returns the favor on your. As time goes on, calls turn into SMS or facebook messages these days. Even those once in a while calls sometimes feel awkward, because you guys really do not have a common context to talk about. A conversation which did not seem to end earlier, now looks too long after just 2 minutes. You ask, how is the Job going? He replies, all's well and ask about yours. What next? What do you talk about? The conversation isn't spontaneous anymore.

I know, it is not by choice that it happens but that's how it is. Its funny how the cycle repeats every few years. Keep apart a few, there really is no such thing as Friends for Life. New friends come and become your best buddies for some time. The time span has shrunk! Only a few remain friends, rest turn into acquaintance. Your best friend from school might be just another Facebook friend now. Only a selected few, with whom by luck you remain in constant touch (and not as a birthday wishing friend) are the ones you keep going strong with. There are people from school who were my best buddies, and I am no more in contact with, apart from facebook. There are people from college, i have lost contact with. There will be people from Infosys I will lose contact with. There are people from bangalore I may never get in touch with again. But, thats how it is. When I left college, I was certain there will be people I will never see again. When I left Infy, there were people I was certain I would never get to talk to again. I have been right about some, and I have been woefully wrong about quite a few.

I dont know how to end this post. So, what I'll do is end it just like that :D

I want to write a seperate post with the title 'Move On' and why do we really have to 'Move On' and what exactly does 'Moving On' means? But then, it will be more like a short note rather than a complete post. Also, 'Peer pressure' is something what I want to write about too. But, you know why I don't. Doesn't the Title of my Page tell you that. :)


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