Chabbi Janvary :)

So, it’s 26th Jan, and I am back again! Wish you a very Happy Republic Day everyone. After a brief spell of somewhat regular posts, I am back to my usual lazy self. It’s been more than 3 months and I haven’t posted anything. But today (rather tomorrow, I am posting this a day earlier) being 26th Jan, or “Chabbi Janvary” as many of my regular readers know it as.. he he(Damn! I am missing the Whatsapp Smileys), now as the ritual stands, I feel obliged to write a post. And, contrary to the recent past, I am not writing this post with a topic in my mind. Let’s begin!

My Plans for tomorrow – Jaipur ahoy! It’s the annual Jaipur Literature Fest. And, like last year we are going again. No, I don’t have any particular interest in this festival; it’s just the Long Drive which I cherish. Last year, it was the Coke Studio which made us make a plan, this year again we are going aiwein hee :p Ofcourse it’s the Coke Studio too, and a good weekend getaway. And, who would mind it, if you have ‘DELEGATE’ passes for the event (Delegate is in Big and Bold letters :p ), which makes us eligible for Complimentary dinner and stay as well. So, altogether, that’s quite a cheap option for a weekend getaway :D . Thanks Amitesh :p

Some pics from last year :) - 

Daal Baa(L)ti Choorma

Coke Studio @ MTV

Me with my baby :p

Last year was more of an unplanned trip, with three bachelors waking up on a Saturday morning and deciding to go to Jaipur. We did talk about going, but were not sure until Saturday morning 8 AM if we were really going. This year it is decided since a couple of weeks that we would be going, so you can count itas a planned trip. Although, nothing is planned this time either :p
Anyhow, moving on! Jaipur would take care of itself, I hope. So, what else do I have got to blog about? Tomorrow is the Republic Day. You know what, the easiest thing to do would be to be a cynic and jee bhar k gaali de lo India aur uski sarkaar ko. All that has happenned in the past 1-2 years, the corruption cases, the recent rape incident et al provides for so much content to write. But, I'll probably give it a pass.

Lets see what new I did in the past one year - I got myself a bicycle and planned to a Delhi darshan on the cycle on weekends. Well, the Delhi darshan did not materialise, but i used to cycle quite regulary during the summers. The winters are subsiding now, so I do manage to go cycling on weekends now. I ran the Great Delhi Run too and would run the Half Marathon this year(Arun, you inspired me man!). This year - I also want to go Ladakh. I am not really optimistic if it would materialize, but - let's see.

My second baby :p

You know what, this is probably the first time, I started writing without any topic in my mind, and managed to blabber this much. To, wrap this post up, Happy Republic Day people, no need to boycot it in protest of the Rape case, this will do no good - the one's who are "going" to the "Boycott Republic Day" on Facebook probably don't even know what being a Republic means.  - Watch the Republic Day Parade, count your blessings, raise the Tri Colour, and proudly say JAI HIND! .. and next time, if the road in front of your house is broken go to that Polling Booth, if a girl is dying on the roadside, help her rather than going to the Protest March at India gate 3 days later. 

On that note, JAI HIND!


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