The Curious case of Deepawli Maharaj!

 When I got my car, I was advised by "N" number of people to not buy it on Saturday. Apparently, it is not "shubh" to buy Metal/Iron on a Saturday. Buying a car is considered to be a very big thing in our part of the world, and no one takes chances with these things. With so many people advising me against it, it just made my resolve stronger to buy it on a Saturday come what may! And, Saturday it was when I finally bought the car! Two years on, I dont think I have been cursed.

Coming to the main point of discussion - There is a guy who comes every Saturday in our colony, and calls himself "Shani Maharaj". Rings door bells, and people generously give him money, Mustard Oil and various other things - which mostly includes things made of Iron. He wears Black Jeans, Black Shirt, white Sports shoes and carries a "Dolu" which has the Mustard Oil and the coins he collects from people. I wonder, what does he do with that Oil.

I am curious about this guy, doesnt really look like a learned guy, nor does he seem to be some Saint. He has a very distinctive way of shouting - "Shani Maharaj" in the streets. Last year on Diwali, I heard a very similar sound - and to my amazement, when I went out to see who it was, it was this same guy shouting, "Deepawli Maharaj". I have no clue who is Deepawali Maharaaj, whose name he was shouting. He was not dressed in Black, but was dressed in a casual White Shirt, and a Blue Jeans to go with it. Carrying the same "Dolu" but this time, his container did not have any Mustard Oil, but had all kinds of sweets, flowers and lots of money.

It amazes me how in the name of God, we do all kinds of strange things. How much logic and sense does it take to identify that this guy is a complete thug? Who every Saturday takes money from people in the name of "Shani Maharaj" and come Diwali, and he transforms himself into "Deepawli Maharaj".


  1. They are because of people who believe to follow them.


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