Confessions of an Elevator at Work

Hi, I am the friendly elevator at your workplace you use to reach your office in that 15 floor building. You use me daily, many times a day.

  • I help you when you are tired
  • I help you when you are in a hurry
  • I help you when you do not feel like taking the stairs
  • I help you when you are sick
  • I help the needy
Did you ever give a thought to the troubles I face daily? Ever wondered, if I need anything, if there is anything which is troubling me?
  • I daily see people not paying any regard to me
  • People steal away the buttons
  • People make me dirty
  • I have even seen people spitting inside me
  • People throw all kinds of garbage inside me

When I was installed, in this big 15 floor building with all these shiny floors – I was very happy. This building has many offices of some of the biggest multinationals of the world having some of the brightest minds of the country.
  • There would be no kids around, only grown ups - Or so I thought!!!
  • People would treat me with dignity – Or so I thought!!!
  • People would show some manners – Or so I thought!!!
  • People would not play around with me – Or so I thought!!!
Well, that was what I thought – obviously I was not right :)

It’s a Sad story!! It was not meant to be a sad story – it was supposed to be a happy story.

  • It was supposed to be a story where people would have a smile on their face when they see me
  • It was supposed to be a story where I would help everyone around – and people would have a smile by the end of their short 30 second journey
Now, I am always over crowded during peak hours with people jostling to enter me by breaking the Q. I am so packed that people don’t even have the space to turn their heads to see the beautiful paintings on my walls.
  • It’s really very sad to see the buttons that have been stolen away by some miscreants
  • or the garbage
  • or the stain marks
  • ….. and numerous other problems I talked about earlier
It’s really very sad!!! Grown ups behaving like spoilt kids is not a good sight to watch.

BUT, BUT, BUT ---- there is a silver lining among the dark clouds. You know what – even if there are 10 who may not be the best, there is that 1 person – Yes you… and you .. and you … and all those who were raising their eyebrows when I talked about all the bad things
  • Who comes as a breath of fresh air
  • Who does not break the Q
  • Who switches off the fan – if someone else is sneezing in the cold weather
  • Who makes way for others to get in and out of me with ease

  • You are the one for whom it never pains to make the multiple monotonous journeys from -3 to 15 and 15 to -3 everyday multiple times a day – without tiring
  • You are the one who gives me hope
  • You are the one who helps me recharge my batteries and start the journey again\

  • It feels so good when someone stops me from closing my door – when there is someone else coming from a distance running ….  trying to catch me
  • It feels good when people switch off the fan when they are the last one to get off me
  • It feels good when people do not stop me needlessly for their friends by sticking their foot in between the doors. Come on – I will come back after a minute
There are numerous short stories which happen inside me. Be it that short glance between that sweet lady and the guy from the 8th floor or that one liner break-up between those two new joiners at 10th floor.

Its sometimes fun to hear the employees talking about their manager’s behind their back, or two friends making a weekend plan on a Friday evening. It’s good to see several love stories being made and sometimes sad to see them being broken.

And, last but not the least – I owe a lot to the guys who are never seen by anyone of you.

  • The one’s who work when majority of us are back at our homes
  • The one’s who help me keep running smoothly
  • The one’s who clean all those stains on my walls and keep me spotless
  • The one’s who make sure I do not make any noise when I do those innumerable journeys up and down the building every day, multiple times
  • The one who make sure that all my lights and fans are working every morning when you reach office

I have no destination – you all are my destination. I am here for you and because of you. If you are not there I will not be needed. You are my source of happiness and sadness as well.

You make me – I am incomplete without you.

P.S. - This is part of a speech I had to prepare as part of a 'Communications' training program I am undergoing at office. :)


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