One Year ! – Part 2 (The Interview)

Oh, Yes! I cleared the infosys written exam again ! The next day was the interview . I was alone at home that whole week, so dint hv anyone this time to iron my formal cloths. Bought a new folder and somehow managed to ron my cloths. I decided to wear my new cloths, which I had bought recently as I was about to leave for my joining at Aztecsoft J.

The night before the interview, I just brushed up a few current affair topics that I was expecting to be queried about in the interview. The next morning nicely dressed up, I left home for the interview venue by bus, and reached there a good one hour ealrlier than my scheduled time of interview. As soon as I sat in the waiting area after submitting my documents, I was called by a guy and asked to wait outside the the interview room until the interviewer calls me inside( jus for some info, this guy who asked me to wait outside the interview room was the same guy who also came at MAIT during the infy test J ) . Waiting patiently outside the room, I rehearsed my ‘About Me :P’ , and adjusted my Neck-Tie :D .

After about 3-4 minutes this man in his 50’s called me inside. After signing on the attendance sheet and telling my registration number etc. started my ‘Interview’ , and to my delight I was not asked to ‘Introduce’ myself. It started with the question , ‘What does your Father do?’ , ‘Is your mother a housewife ?’, ‘Any siblings?’ . It went on quite smoothly. Then a bit of a discussion on my Fathers Job and a bit more on my Brother’s job and his educational background. So far no tricky questions! Then, he after seeing my resume asked if I liked cricket? I replied positively , and then followed a few more questions like, Coach of the Australian Cricket team, Which team won the last World Cup and who is the coach of the Indian Cricket Team. I replied correctly to all of them J, seemed quite simple to me J :D. Then he asked if I read newspapers and asked me if I read about politics. I said Yes and then he asked me about the current ‘hot’ topics, which at that time was the ‘Nandigram issue’. I told him all about the Nandigram issue. Then he asked me about another issue about a writer, and asked me the name of the writer …. to which I replied ‘Taslima Nasreen’. Then discussion went on for a cuple of more minutes , in which he asked what was ‘One’ thing about which I felt very strongly about! To this I answered ‘The misuse of religion in Politics to garner votes (thanks to IC - India community on Orkut for this)’ . then a bit more discussion on this topic which went of quite well!

I answered all the questions related to politics and current affairs correctly, and to be very honest the full credit for this goes to IC – India community on orkut J . Had I not been visiting that community regularly and participating there, I wouldn’t have come to known about any of those current affairs, coz the lazy reader I am. I owe it big time to IC !!! I remember the nights on which I slept at 5 AM in the morning just chatting there on IC, learnt a lot of new things, learnt some of the reality of the country of which I was unaware of coming from a metropolitan city .

Now, after ending the general discussion came the IQ test :P, he asked me a question and I answered that pretty confidently ( though I must admit I later on discovered that my answer was only partially right, but I had given a full explanation to him backing my incorrect answer J ). And so the interview ended, and I came outside the room a relieved person.

I was expecting the result to be announced at that day only, but was told that they would inform everyone in 2-3 weeks. So, I left and thus started the wait for the result!!! The coming one month, I never knew would be ‘one of the worst’ time periods of my life. Came quite close to that July ’06 time period, I must say J .

to be continued …


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