One Year ! - Part 1

The previous year … i.e. June’07 – May ’08 has been eventful in more than one way. I always thought that I had seen it all, but I was wrong. There were always some surprises in store for me, and to be very honest I was caught unawares and unprepared! Still, I have got no regrets.

The first checkpoint was 3rd Dec ’07, the original DoJ ! Slowly everyone started to leave, and there I was waiting with a smile for my turn J , but there were different things in store for me. Joined Wipro BPO for a month and a half , and to be very honest , that is one experience I wont forget for my entire life! Fake certificates, fake resume, taking calls :P , night shifts, voice and accent training …. egg rolls and maggi at the ‘rerhi’ in front of the office building at 2:30 AM … it was all fun !!! and then the cabs, it was all an experience worth IT !

After WIPRO BPO which I had to leave under some ‘unavoidable’ circumstances :P came the real PAIN ! 4 months gone by and I am still there, 2nd Dec is still some time away, sleeping and ‘orkutting’ was the only thing I used to do!!! This was the time when I became a regular to a community called INDIA on orkut, and this would prove to be my saviour in the end :D . Slowly the time passed by, SOMEHOW !!!

Sometime around Diwali I got a mail from Infosys, for an off-campus selection process on 2nd December ’07, and I ruined my luck yet again , I had my tickets booked for 1st December for Bengaluru and was going to miss this chance. I still hadn’t forgotten about 14th July ’06 ,my first rejection at infy. But as luck would have it I got a mail around 1 week before 1st Dec that my DoJ at Aztecsoft has been postponed to 28th Jan ‘08 and so 2nd Dec Infy test was now ON! and not tell about the month and half following the day I got the postponement mail. I lost it completely, ‘Down and OUT for the count’.

I went to give the written exam and to my surprise I cleared it again :O . . ……

to be continued...


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