Once upon a time ...

Once upon a time, there was a guy. He always thought that he knew what he wanted out of LIFE. He never really used to care about what future had in store for him.

He always thought that being happy was the sole aim of his life and happiness could never be bought with money. And money was always the last thing on his mind, not that he had it in abundance, just that it was always a secondary thing for him, a thing which so many fools around him were mad about. He always thought that he does not need 'easy money', and would work hard to earn it and THEN he would enjoy LIFE when he had earned it all by himself through hard work.

He always thought that only good things happen to good people, and so he always tried to be good to everyone no matter what the situation was! He never was selfish, always thought that friends and friendship come above everything else in LIFE. Honesty was one thing he always kept very close to his heart, and practised it against all odds.

Life for him was a journey, he intended to complete with complete peace of mind among his friends and family.

BUT ...


P.S. – Repeated! Ignore if you have already read this.



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