When did you start drinking - Part 2

Most of the times, when the room mates were enjoying a drink - I used to be the cook, making anda bhurji and the 'chai' after the drink. It contnued that way for a few months. It was just an occasional beer, or a peg on some occasion - until an evening at a friend's house in Mysore.

The years after that have not been same, they just could not have been. Then began a phase which had many memorable experiences - good or bad, I don't know, but experiences for sure. Sitting at 11 PM and stopping at 6AM, just two friends - chatting through the night. The bread omlette at 3 AM. An Indica car, and Jayadeva flyover. A Friday night, and then a Sunday morning. 7 AM craziness - the bus ride, the onsite call and the nap in the washroom to follow that up.3 Months of non-stop craziness, without a weekend to spare. I think I have seen it all. That was a phase, and I am happy it was just that - a phase.

The stock we thought would last us for a couple of weeks,but was over in a couple of days ;)

The Mallya Mandir. That dark spot on the top right is from the Agarbatti we lighted in front of the mandir :P.

Most of the snippets of experiences I have shared are from Bangalore. There are plenty more of them, and I think it would be gross injustice to write them all here. I later moved back to Delhi, and nothing has been same. No more weekend binge drinking - barring an occasional party.

Because, there are no rented spartments inhabited by carefree bachelors here in Delhi - so a party in Delhi, with drinks also means a heavy hit on the purse. So, that feeling on the next morning is double the worse it would have otherwise been ;) Also, you have to come back home from a pub - so you better be able to stand on your two feet.

All, said and done - however it may sound after what I have written above, it feels good to say that since I have been in Delhi, there has been almost Nil Binge drinking and it is only once or twice in a couple of months that I drink.

From a teetotaller to almost an every-weekend-drinker at a point of time(even if it was for a few months), and now to just an occasional/social drinker - its been a see-saw ride in the past 3-4 years, and I must admit I have totally enjoyed it.

An opinion - Consumption of alcohol is allright only till the point you do not mix it with rowdy or irresponsible behaviour. And, irresponsible behaviour includes - drinking and driving. I make a point that my enjoyment doesnt cause anybody any harm.

Baaki, 'Sharaab Se Haani' waali ad to sab ne dekhi hee hai :p


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