When did you start drinking? - Part 1

A few days back I was reading an article about 'Drinking'. The first line from the article read - "It’s an exciting day when you turn 18 or 21 and get to consume your first adult beverage legally" That just made me think, when was the first time I tasted alcohol? It was at a dinner - my Manager had come to India from US. We all went out for dinner, and if I remember correctly - that was the first time I tasted Beer. But it was nothing like I had expected. You see in movies, people going out, drinking, laughing and enjoying - it was nothing like that. We sat, drank a few beers, and left for home. By the time I reached home, my head was spinning a little bit, and I just slept. Next morning, it was all normal. There was nothing extraordinary.

It sometimes amazes me, that until 3-4 years back I had never even touched alcohol. During, college I was pretty sure that i will never drink. At least, not with the money of my parents. And, I am very proud of that fact - that I never did. There were people around in college, who used to drink and I used to loathe them.

During, my training at Infosys, Mysore - most of the people around me used to drink. The 'theka' and the pubs near the campus used to be the socializing joints for the weekend. Sometimes, I did felt left out. I know plenty of people who started drinking and smoking during the training because it used to be the 'In' thing. Couple that with the pressure cooker situations we went through in those 4-5 months, drinking and smoking used to be the only stress buster for many.

Later, I moved to Bangalore after training - and unlike many I was still a teetotaller. My roommates used to drink. I remember a particular instance, when a common friend visited our home. Somewhere, during the chatter - somebody made a statement - "What exactly do people who don't drink, do on Friday/Saturday Nights?" It was actually a very valid question. Being a bachelor, you really don't have much to do on a weekend. You cant go to the Malls, shopping every weekend. You cant travel every weekend. So, what do you do? His philosophy was simple - Drink heavily on Friday night- and spend the Saturday in a hangover/sleeping. By the time, you will get up on Sunday - you would realize that half the weekend is already gone.

... to be continued.


  1. Its not bad if you don't drink :P

  2. Bangalore mein tune aag laga rakhi thi mere aane se pehle woh bhi. Jhoota hai be tu kitna


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