I DONT CARE !!!!!!

Its dat time of the semester, when the sessionals are staring in my face again. Before every sessionals i get these funny sort of sms's n this time is nt different. I wud hv fwded it agar mera phone akbar k zamaane ka na hota...........(its dat ki these long sms's come in linked form in my cellphone, so i dnt manage 2 fwd ne of them) I jus thot of putting it up here. Its a little poem, read it...............

Exams are here
Where the marks are rare.
At the questions i stare,
the answers are nowhere,
which makes me pull my hair.
And the teachers they glare,
the grades are always below FAIR.
I am like a rabbit,
trapped in a snare.
But just like the past 20 years
I DONT CARE........... I DONT CARE !!!!!!!!!

May be v 'wud b engineers' r so used to reading these funny sort of little poems, dat v dnt find it funny nemore......... may b nt....... Awwww, frgt it........ i hv got some studies to do, some syllabus to find out n some buks to search for {its been more than a month since those buks came out of the almirah,let me find out where they exactly are... :)) } so wont make dis one large.....


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