I need a BREAK, a LONG one....................

For the past few weeks, life has been upside down.There has been no schedule watsoever, my mood hasnt been great either. It all started on 26th feb. Everything has gone awry after dat day, all went as i expected it to.

These days i jus dont feel like doin nething, nt dat i dont hv nething 2 do, bt jus dat i dnt feel like doin nething. There hs been an unusual calm at home. Many of my frnz who live in hostels at their clgs came to delhi on holi, i nvr felt like meeting ne of them. Only met gagan , whomanaged to come at my place.

What used to be one of my favourite passtimes i.e. sending sms's , has bow become something which i luv to hate. The inbox of my cell remains empty. I dnt e1 feel like readig ne sms which i get, dunno y......??? The only thing i do nwdayz is to play snake on my cellphone endlesly, be it lectures in clg, or at home. Today i had a 4 hr class at IMS .There used 2 b a 10 min break in between the class, bt somehow 2day it gt extended to over half an hour. In all those 30 min brk i did ws playsnake on my phone . Dint e1 moved frm my seat, dint talked 2 ne1. Even at clg there seems to b dat unusual sort of a atmosphere.

Maybe things will fall in place with time, i sincerely hope it will, else........................................

Maybe i need a break, a LONG one , to clear up my senses, gt rejuvenated, get back some energy which i someday used 2 hv, get back dat sense of humour which i lost years back, forget all those bad memories of past 2-3 years n start afresh again........


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