One Year - Part 5 (Generic Training)

Okk, I know its all getting a little toooo … long :P … will try to finish it all up now :)


Generic Training is meant for those who aren’t from CSE/IT background. The first module was PST – Problem Solving Techniques (a non-evaluative module), so no Module Test for this one :) … It was just some basic Algorithm etc and stuff.


The first evaluative module was CHSSC(Computer Hardware and System Software Concepts). It was just some basic computer funda’s, which I luckily had studied in Operating Systems and 8085 in B. Tech (now that’s another thing how much I knew about it  ). I was nervous like anything on the night before the exam, but in the end it all went fine and I cleared the exam with an ‘A’! Slowly I started settling into the routine of studying ‘daily’, which was something new to me :P. A night before an exam I used to sleep at around 1 or 2 at night, slowly the sleep time started getting shorter and shorter with each passing day and module. With the bulk of assignments we had to complete everyday, this was bound to happen!


The two most dreaded modules in Generic training were supposed to be PF(Programming Fundamentals) or you can call it ‘C’ and RDBMS, and I was scared of both of them as others had told me that the result in these modules is hardly 30-40% !!! First for me was PF, and I studied hard for it … ya ya .. sounds strange, but I did studied hard. The exam was on Monday, so I luckily got a two days break to prepare well for the exam. When I was preparing for the exam, I strangely enough found it quite easy and was surprised as to why was the result in this module was so poor :O … and a night before the exam I went and watched ‘Bombay to Bangkok’ :P… and luckily enough I cleared the exam the next day :D


The other dreaded module in generic training, RDBMS… I cleared that one too!!! Not to mention, that this was one module wherein I developed the habit of sleeping in the class, which I found hard to get rid of until the end of the training. This was actually the first module, when I studied till 5 AM in the morning before the exam :O


Then came the generic compre… I gave it, felt relieved that generic training is over.




Part 6(Stream training and postings) -> Stream training started, in between I forgot to tell thant I was given Dot-Net Stream .. which some said was very tough


I didn’t have any of my friends in my Dot Net batch from the generic training class, as they shuffled the batch. Most of them got Mainframe or Finacle as their stream.


In the stream it became a habit to not sleep a night before the module.


I failed in one module, which I did manage to clear finally.


Also, some in my batch managed to face the exit procedure from the company :(


Finally I managed to clear my stream training as well , with a ‘few’ sleepless nights waiting for the results to be announced as the previous batch had 32 exit procedures in a class of 100. :O


I got my posting in Bangalore, again none of my friends got there posting in Bangalore, most of them got either Chandigarh or Pune !!!


Finally, I am here in Bangalore and boring you all with all this crap.


Phew ….


OVER and OUT!!!


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