The Placement Story- 1 of 7

NOTE: I hv written dis piece jus for myself… it hsnt been written coz I want ppl to read dis… I hv written dis coz if ever d time comes wen I m on loose ground… I wud read dis piece n live each n every moment of it again… n say to myself dat, I hv faced tougher times… I hv tried to be as elaborate as possible… n yes everything I have written is d truth. I haven’t written anything here to hurt anyone… bt if I magage to… plz excuse me… dis is certainly nt my intention. If u r reading dis fr some fun, then go no further…

Also, i havent edited dis thing, i may also hv skipped quite a few things..... which certainly isnt intentional, jus dat it ws a vry tiring experience writing dis whole thing... hd to go thru all the experiences once again... so please excuse!!! N yes it is only my side of the story..... the version of others may differ....

So the sixth semester begins…….. the usual way, no studies in the beginning… holidays, fests n wat not except classes. My fifth semester result ws also declared n ws nt dat bad.. if I compare it wid my previous rslts, Then the rslt of my backlog ws also declared n I gt thru dat one too…… even I don’t kno how I made it thru dat one…. I studied not more than 4-5 hours fr dat ppr d whole semester n gt thru…….. I wud jus say , miracles do happen!!!!!! In between the results ws the IP fest….. mann.. we had one rocking time over there…. Wid all the hooting n stuff, it was jus amazing. When we came back frm there, our throats wer completely out of shape coz off all d hooting n stuff…. Ours ws d only grp hvin som fun out there… This semester ws also the one in which we wer goin to decide or rather “we wer goin to find out” what we are goin to do the rest of our lives… our placement activities had to start this semester. I joined IMS, n yes I dint join it coz I wanted some extra coaching for preparing for MBA… I know myself inside out n I also know dat I wasn’t goin to study much there… bad habits die hard, u see!! I joined it coz later I dint wanted to repent dat I dint cleared some aptitude pprs (read placement pprs) or dint get a good percentile jus coz I dint join a coaching institute…. I had experienced it all before n jus dint wanted to repeat it. Some may say, ‘dude dats a not so gud reason to waste 20,000 bucks’ bt I wud say ‘hey it is better than repenting whole ur life why u saved 20,000 bucks’.

So, the semester ws on its way….1st sessionals came n went….. totally un noticed.. my performance ws bad like anything… if I comapare it wid d 5th sem, in which I did study a bit, n atleast assed all d sessionals. The placement activities wer soon goin to start, n quite a few ppl around me hd begun preparing fr them too…. I ver well knew the consequences of nt studying fr these pprs, bt still dnt kno y , nvr studied fr them!!! First ws a seminar kinda thing which our seniors gave, to tell us hw to go abt the placement preparation n related stuff.

Then one fine day, 7th march ws d date…. while comin back ome frm a PI session at IMS I gt d news dat HCL is comin on d 13th of march….. the following ws d mail ::

On your mark.... Get set... and the "go" is on the 13th Mar. HCL technologies is coming for a campus placement on the13th of Mar. The tests will be held at MAIT (Maharaja Agrasen). The minimum eligibility criteria for the exam is the score above 65% though out from 10th, 12th to the 5th SEM currently. Other details will be sent as soon as they are made available by the TPO office. Best of luck!!

some wer excited, some wer tensed, som jus dint hd ne reaction… n I,. dunno y ws a bit tensed…. !!! Whereas I somehow hd a sense dat I wont get thru!!! n neither did I prepared for it… our seniors also took a mock test two days before the actual one. Before the day HCL ws to come, I dint hv ne formals , so went to buy some clothes, dis one hell of a busy day…. I had a 4 hour class at IMS in d morning, then went to buy . On the morning of 13th, wid new clothes n few copies of my resume I reach agrasen in d morning. It was unusually chilly in d morning , wid foggy weather, fr dat time of the year. The written exam began……. twas an apti n a technical test. After v gave d ppr, we wated the whole day there fr d result….. n we all had fun ther, wid all our foolish jokes n all. Around 4-5 in d evening the result of d written test ws announced……. evry1 tensed… As the names wer announced, quite a few frm our class made it thru the written… n many dint.. me in d latter group. The disappointment ws there to be seen on som ppl’s faces…. Bt it wasn’t newhere on my face….. as I reached home, mom asked abt d result, n I said “NAHI HUA.. WRITTEN MEIN BAHAR”…. n mom said “KOI BAAT NAHI, ABHI TO BAHUT AANI HAI” later in d evening dad came back n asked, n I said “NAHI HUA… WRITTEN MEIN BAHAR”.. the dad gave a bit of advice n dat ws it. Still ther wasn’t much disappointment…. bt slowly the disappointment ws starting to come…… the realization dat it was one opportunity lost ws starting to show… the mood ws saddening. Then came d news dat samrat hd also cleared d written, bt none of us cud listen his name… n so he also came back home wid us, bt then he ws informed dat his name ws also there n then he hd to rush back frm munirka to rohini on his bike. He barely managed to reach there on time, n he also cleared d GD. I ws happy fr him…. Bt at d same time d disappointment of nt making thru hd nw starting 2 show on me. The mood dipped a it….. bt only a bit mind u. After a few days after d interviews, d results wer announced n SIX frm our class got selected, Samrat, Saurabh, Deep Priya, Sanchit, Vijay Bahadur n Ashish Marwah. It was party time fr us….. d first frm our gang hd gt selected. We hd a small party in d canteen…. N it turned out to b quite bad wid a fight resulting between us n a few seniors ovr som nonsense stuff, wont go in all those details, dat incident is better forgotten.


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