The Placement Story- 3 of 7

Slowly , the disappointment died down, n life came back to normal… clg began again, n dis time I made myself busy wid d practical files n stuff as the final practicals wer nearing. The next one ws to be Syntel.. in Greater Noida. We hd to reach there early as we wer told dat d reporting time ws at 8 in d morning. We pooled in went in cars, we left at 6 in d morning n reached there half an hour before time. This tme around d ppl frm our clg wer a little less , to be exact they wer 51 less… We found out dat d name of our college wasn’t there in d list of invited colleges.. we wer told to wait outside. This day ws goin to b a long day!! We wer at a place where there ws hard to find even a gud place to eat. Around 11 am we wer aloud to enter d college, bt ther wer no signs still of our test to be taken.. it ws hot like anything that day. Now began what ws to b a hot n tiring day…. oops, not tiring!!! D truth is dat, it was one hell of a day, wid all the chatting n stuff we did dat day… it turned out to be more of a day out wid frnz…. Finally around 5 in d evening…. v got an idea to click some snaps….. n these pics turned out to be the first one in d series of MANY MORE to come. Anything I may say, that we had lots of fun dat day at NIET grounds, but somewhere down in our hearts, ws d feeling dat v wer d ones who couldn’t make it thru SAPIENT, d one which turned out to b d simplest of all to clear, bt somehow no1 talked about it barring a few instances. This ws d first time dat d inferior complex hd started to show…. Till nw it ws nothing compared to wat ws about to come LATER!!!!!!! Around 6 in d evening , finally our test ws taken…. n we went home after dat, only to b told mid way in our journey back home dat, no1 frm our clg gt selected.. it somehow dint hurt. When I reached home , all tired n broken, mom asked abt d result n I said, “NAHI HUA”… “kissi ka bhi nahi hua hamaare clg mein se”… trying to put stress on d fact dat no1 got selected n I wsnt d only one to be kicked dis time around….. then came d reply “KOI BAAT NAHI, ABHI TO BAHUT AANI HAI”.

Syntel , dint manage to leave an imapact like any of the other companies dat came till then… dis ws d end of d placement activities in clg before our end term pprs. The ppr started and went d way they always go…. badddddd…. Maybe bad than the previous semesters… dunno y, bt it all started to fall apart here in these pprs… it ws d beginning of a long list of bad things those wer to come.. I wont blame anybody fr d way d pprs went, it was simply dat I dint study at all, n u dnt expect to pass wid flying colours by studying only a night fr each ppr in d whole semester, n my internals weren’t nything to cheer about either. Exams ended on 26th, n v wer told dat ACCENTURE wud b comin on 28th may. Accenture v wer told ws one of d best companies to visit our campus. On d 27th ws d sapient exam fr some 20 students, which sapient dint took earlier, coz of some reasons best known to them only. Amitesh, khatri, ankush n deep priya frm our class wer to giv d exam dat day… deep priya n khatri got thru dat day n amitesh n ankush couldn’t. While chatting wid amitesh dat day, I cud very well make out wat he ws goin thru at dat time, as I had experienced it all before myself also. While talking wid him dat day I said something to him wat I thot ws d truth n I also feared d most. After seeing wat happened at sapient, the no. of students they took frm our clg , I hd realized dat we had d best chance at sapient… n now d next wer to be accenture…. Coz it ws visiting our college, n d other one to be INFOSYS…. Coz it ws d only company which doesn’t take any technical test, which I considered my weak point. So, I told amitesh, rather to put it aptly…. I stated it to him dat if I couldn’t get thru these two companies then I wont b able to get thru any. Next day ws accenture, 28th may.. yet again v all arrived there in d clg, all happy n laughing….. d motto which many say, can help u gt past all the hurdles in LIFE. Again I arrived there wid almost NIL preparation. The day for me dint began on a good note…. Hd a fight at home wid mom n dad over some silly reason…. may be I nvr ws in a good mood dat day at home before leaving fr clg. I reached clg n the day there began wid d ppt of d company n then the written.. while in d ppt room we clicked some pics , jus to continue wat began at syntel… jus to keep d memories f d golden days of our lifes wid us. After d written ws over we waited fr d result, n when it was announced I had cleared d written…. more than happy I ws tensed, as d next round ws GD n i ws tensed abt it…. after dat I ws in d gd room n doing GD…. D GD went quite good, nt as bad as I had expected it to be n d results wer announced then n there only… I ws kicked out of d gd… I ws kindaa waiting fr a pleasant surprise to come my way after d GD ws completed bt it ws never to be…. I dint hd d power to walk back home . Almost all my frnds hd cleared d GD n wer waiting fr their turn for interviews, n I ws there waiting outside, sitting on the stairs of d college , doing some self inspection… n talking to myself.. after d fight at home in d morning, I ws kindaa scared of facing mom n dad at home. After waisting for about an hour in d college only , I reached home…… n then dad asked abt d result… n I said “NAHI HUA, GD MEIN BAHAR”… then dad said… “CHALO , KOI BAAT NAHI”… then mom came n asked n I said “NAHI HUA, GD MEIN BAHAR”… I ws slowly getting used to saying this line after evry exam. I cud see d disappointment on d face of mom ,bt she dint say nething to me n jus said “KOI BAAT NAHI, ABHI TO AUR BAHUT AAYENGI”. Then I slept , dint even eat my lunch…. later dat evening , when I woke up, I enquired abt d results of d rest… d interviews wer goin on at dat time… I knew dat I hd let go another golden opportunity. The atmosphere at home wasn’t to good… n I cud sense it easily. In the evening , when goin to market wid mom in car, all I remember is a steering wheel in my hand and an accelerator on d floor of d car. It ws d worst ever I had driven… 60+ in d tight colony streets…. Mom ws angry like anything wid me, I had found something to vent m frustration upon, n mom dint liked it at all.. she forced me to return home mid way… n give me a earful. Nothing ws turning out right for me…. it seemed like everything dat cud go wrong in my LIFE ws goin wrong, n I had only myself to blame for all this. Later I gt d news dat rohit, arun n samrat couldn’t get thru d first round of interviews…. I met them on messenger dat night. All wer sad…. Amitesh had cleared d first round of interviews so had chirag. I wished amitesh all the best n went off to sleep. D next thing I remember ws waking in d morning, n finding out dat Amitesh hd cleared accenture n so had 48 other from our college. I congratulated him.. n d next thing I rmbr I dat I ws goin into something deep… a deep depression. Nothing ws goin right. I then congratulated all those who cleaed the interviews, n tried to get over it…. another major disappointment of the day ws Nasir. He ws one of d select few to be rejected in d technical interviews, which wer conducted late night. I tried my best to get over d disappointment, n I think I succeeded to an extent, although I knew , wat I had missed.


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