The Placement Story- 2 of 7

Now, ws d time fr d next one to come… evry one waited… it ws to be Sapient on 9th april… TPO told us dat dis ws d golden goose…… it paid well, it hd a gud company profile, n moreover it was also in NCR. So , everyone prepared hard for dis one. First ws d written test, n boy wat a test it was….. it was cheating galore… every1 cheated, moreover evry1 knew of d question beforehand, coz they wer available all over d net. I cheated too…. I guess dat ws 1st time after my 9th class dat I had cheated…. The guilt of cheating started to creep in as time passed after d written test ws ovr… it sounds stupid in todays age, bt dats hw I am. I wished dat I dnt gt thru d written. The results of d written test were announced on 20th april, n d ppl at sapient wer annoyed wid d results of d written…. they hd made out dat evry1 cheated.. they even took a few examples to show d amount of cheatin dat had been done in d test… the examples they took wer ME n ROHIT… it hurt me, seriously it hurt. When I got to kno dat MUKUL n a few more wer nt able to clear d written then it hurt more. Mukul especially hd prepared hard for dis one.He couldn’t clear d first round itself, whereas they cleared almost 85% students fr d second round, the feeling of guilt ws growing inside me. At one stage I even thot of fcuking up d interview myself… bt then decided otherwise. The interviews wer supposed to be held on 22nd in our college… I decided I wil prepare fr d interview , n wud giv dis one wid all honesty. The second round started at 5:00.. first ws d written, two questions wer asked n fr d first time in my life I made a C++ program all by myself… then came d time fr d interview. Before my interview procedure began, I already knew dat they hd selected quite a few ppl frm d one’s those who wer interviewed… but one major disappointment ws dat of Nasir… a programming champ like Nasir couldn’t gt thru sapient. So , after givin my written I waited fr the panelist to come. While waiting fr him to come, the mood inside the waiting room ws jolly as usual… wid me n rohit both doing d usual nonsense talk…. mind it was jus 2 ease d tension around us. While waiting sam came out after his interview n told us dat he gt selected….. so it was 2 out of 2 fr him.. he hd to b selected here, C++ ws his forte . Soon rohit ws called , n then me… This ws d first ever interview I faced in my life. As v wer goin to the room, he started wid his questions… d first one ws “u being an electronics engg , y do u want 2 join a software company?” It was like a bomb dropped on me…. dis ws my first ever interview n dint kno hw to answer dis one. I fumbled a bit then somehow answered him… then he began wid the real stuff. He opened my answer sheet n started asking frm d program I had made… it went smooth till som time, then slowly started making things a bit tough fr me. After abt 30 min or so he stopped suddenly n told me “ Pushpret I dnt think there is any reason y dis interview shud b taken forward” he hd gauged my grip at programming… n d whole interview procedure ended in abt 30 min flat.. no HR , nothing … he hd told me on my face dat I wasn’t gud enough for Sapient… This ws d worst possible way my first ever interview cud hv gone. As I walked back slowly, evry1 asked , hw ws it?.. I had failed… dat too miserably. It all went wrong . I dint even went to d room where my result ws to be announced formally, coz I knew wat d result was.. As I stood there wid samrat fr Rohit to come… d disappointment hd started to show on my face, n wen I saw d list of selected students , d disappointment grew many folds. Sapient hd done mass recruitment, the hd selected almost 50 students jus frm our college… n d feeling dat I couldn’t even make thru dis one ws more than mere disappointment. Soon Rohit came, he ws lookin quite confident… btw wen his rslt was announced he was shocked… he dint made it thru. Now we three made our way back home. Rohit n sam went their way n I went mine. I came on car dat day, n while goin back home I remember dat 5 min drive back home… it ws terrible. I ws disappointed to say the least. I dnt kno y , bt my hopes hd risen wen I reached college dat day, n then the rejection ws quite hard to swallow… this my first real brush wid d feeling of rejection…it ws tuff time. As I reached home, mom asked abt d result n I said “NAHI HUA” then talked to amitesh , who called to enquire abt d result, n then called Avnit (agrasen dude) , to tell him abt my interview xperience as his ws on a llater date, I guess it ws on d next day only.. then jus went inside n slept, dint talked to anybody much n jus slept. Mom still had encouraging words, she said “KOI BAAT NAHI, ABHI TO BAHUT AANI HAI”. Then I jus slept.. when I waked up d next morning , there ws dis strange sort of feeling , which I dnt think cud b explained easily… it ws bad really bad… almost 20 students frm our class hd been placed dat day, n I wasn’t one of those. Then I taked to rohit dat day, n he hd an even worse story to tell… wont write it here though


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