5th feb

It is sunday,n i m in no mood to study 2day(if at all i am in a mood to study neother day).It was a pretty eventful week which went by....... i gave my first test at IMS n hey!!! i gt 34 marks..... some batchmates say that it is the highest marks they have ever heard for a PT(preliminary test), n if v go by what Manish sir say then i wud hv got 94 %ile in the CAT (it was a mock CAT ppr, based on previous yr pprs)...... Yeah, i am a bit over the moon with this one(dont kno if i m jus talking a bit 2 much abt dis exam) n i am njoing the high...........

There ws this cultural fest of our college called Anugoonj from 1st to 4th feb.The whole gang (mostly all) went 2 d fest on friday(3rd feb).There ws a jam session till 5 in d evening(i dont kno wen it started, n v reached there only by 4) n v all danced a bit,v cud hv done much better if only the DJ ws nt a sucker he ws!! Neways, after that there ws dis fashion show/parade or watever u like 2 call it, wid some kool chix participating n some strange guys giving them company(they wer also participating by the way 2 gt the Mr. Anugoonj title). So, this ws the place v had most of the fun, wid the environment totally setup for some good loud hooting.There was dis guy called Pawan(a self said hindi lover), he gave his intro in hindi n ws face 2 face wid some loud booing frm our gang.............Then later came a guy called Rakesh, no1 knew him, bt somehow the name struck us, n he ws in for some loud cheers frm our gang.I really cant describe the way v all hooted him.............

All in all, v all had a awesome time out there( i really cant think of ne word which wud b better than awesome 2 describe that time).

I also watched the movie Rang De Basanti, n its an awesome movie mannn.Go catch it if u havent as yet(i am surely goin 2 watch it another time guys)

I wud hv loved 2 write more abt the day at the ip fest, bt i cant, becase my mum is really getting angry wid me for sitting on the comp for non-stop for the past few hours.

P.S.- it ws only coz of our gang that the rst of the crowd had such a gud time, coz v wer the only one's out there having som gud fun n entertaining others too.........


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