All clr mate, congrats.......

'All clr mate, congrats', this ws the sms which i got from amitesh dis morning.The result of the 5th sem is finally out and i have cleared all the pprs.Actually, the result was out at midnight only.I slept a bit early(arnd 11:15) on 7th feb.When i woke up in the morning and checked my cellphone,what i found was 2 sms and 3 missed calls.Both the sms read "Check kar,result aa gaya hai shayad........." from amitesh n chirag and the missed calls from amitesh, chirag n ankit.With my heart in my mouth,i replied to both amitesh n chirag,enquiring abt the fact that , has the result been dclared or was this another rumour (which is quite common at this time of the year).I waited for the rply from either amitesh or chirag, none replied for atleast an hour and a half. Till that time, i couldnt find the courage to switch on the PC. I knew if the result was out , i wouldnt be able to see it , coz the reslt wud hv been available in .pdf format n i dint hd adobe acrobat reader installed in my PC.So, i waited for some1 to gimme the news.Finally, the phone beeped n hey!! its amitesh's rply, "All clr mate, congrats......"

Hurray!!! i hv done it...........


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